A blog post

How Spices Can Enhance Your Senses: A blog about spice and food

Lynrolte Cezaire Honore

3/20/2022 1 min read

Add a little spice to your life with this blog post on how spices can enhance your senses!

When it comes to food, the five basic tastes are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami—or savory. But these aren't the only flavors our tongues can detect. We also have a sense of taste called olfacto-gustatory perception, which is when you smell something at the same time you taste it. This is why when you have a cold, everything you eat tastes different.

Have you ever eaten spaghetti for dinner and then smelled garlic hours later? That's because of your olfacto-gustatory perception!

As much as we love to talk about spices that make our food more flavorful (not to mention perfuming our homes), we rarely stop to think about how they affect our senses. So let's take a look at some common spices and what role they play in enhancing our senses:

Sage: Sage is well known for its ability to stimulate appetite, but did you know it can also help improve memory and brain function? The herb contains high amounts of thujone, which acts as an anticonvulsant and neuroprotectant. It helps prevent seizures by decreasing glutamate release from